Kanzerogene Arbeitsstoffe - Roadmap on Carcinogens: Amsterdam to Vienna
Every year, more than one hundred thousand people die in Europe as a result of working with carcinogens.
Taking action on work-related cancer
Cancer is estimated to be the leading cause of work-related deaths in the EU. It is clear that more can be done to reduce the number of cases of occupational cancer, and that’s why, on 25 May 2016, six European organisations signed a covenant committing them to a voluntary action scheme to raise awareness of the risks arising from exposures to carcinogens in the workplace and exchange good practices.
The partners are:
- The Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection
- BUSINESSEUROPE (European employers)
- The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)
- The European Commission
- The European Trade Union Confederation
- The Netherlands Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.
The signatories to the Covenant have drawn up a Roadmap for the scheme, which will run from 2016 to 2019. Member States, social partners, companies, research organisations and other organisations across Europe (and even beyond) are encouraged to participate.
The Roadmap is a voluntary action scheme that provides for the exchange of good practices, at enhancing knowledge among businesses about exposure to carcinogens, and how this can be reduced effectively.
The Roadmap is open for joining by other member states, organisations, businesses, employers and workers, social partners, research organisations, OSH professionals, and other stakeholders.
Join the Roadmap
One of the main aims of the Roadmap on carcinogens is to share solutions between companies and organisations. We know that, across Europe, initiatives are already being taken by local companies and organisations to apply solutions and prevent or reduce carcinogen exposure. The aim of the Roadmap is to propel these solutions towards innovative practices that are used across Europe. Therefore, we encourage you to share your best practices and ideas about preventing and reducing exposure to carcinogens at work with the rest of Europe!
Join the roadmap on carcinogens today, receive updates about the Roadmap, and become a member of a unique valuable community in which workers health, innovation and solutions go hand in hand across Europe.
The Roadmap on carcinogens needs your ideas, your best practices, and your network. In return, you, your organisation or business and workers can benefit from the knowledge and activities that are shared within the Roadmap community. If you are willing to dedicate a few moments of your time, leave your contact information and become part of the Roadmap community today!
WebSite: www.roadmaponcarcinogens.eu
Further information
Europäische Agentur für Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz - Roadmap (Link auf Agentur-WebSite)
Read the Covenant (PDF) (pdf) to see exactly what the partners have committed to.
Consult the Roadmap (PDF) (pdf) for full details of the planned joint efforts to reduce occupational cancer.
Letzte Änderung am: 07.07.2021